Abstract: The synthesis publications dedicated to ancient coin finds made on the current territory of
Romania mention the hoard from Grăniceri (Arad County), consisting of 120 tetradrachms of Thasos.
It’s a discovery made by chance that happened in the 19th century. So far, the exact location and date of
discovery of this hoard have not been established with any precision. However, by correlating the infor-
mation from primary sources with the maps of that time and the data provided by Lidar scans, we believe
that we have identified where this discovery was made. Starting from here, we have developed a discussion
of how these deposits can be interpreted, referring to the theories widely accepted by scientists. At the same
time, for the basins of the Crişul Alb and Crişul Negru rivers (only their segments in Arad county) we have
drawn up a map of the hoards finds dating back to the 2nd century BC – 1st century AD in relation to
the contemporary settlements.
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