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Terracottas from Sutor/Optatiana. New data concerning the artefacts discovered during the rescue excavations in 2021–2022

(pages 163-199)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33993/ephnap.2022.33.163

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Babeş‑Boliay University Cluj‑Napoca, M. Kogălniceanu 1, 400347, Cluj‑Napoca, Cluj County, RO; email: socaciu.sergiu@yahoo.com

Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj‑Napoca, Romanian Academy – Cluj Branch, M. Kogălniceanu 12–14, 400084, Cluj‑Napoca, Cluj County, RO; e‑mail: lazarescu_vlad@yahoo.com; vlad.lazarescu@acad‑cj.ro.

Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj‑Napoca, Romanian Academy – Cluj Branch, M. Kogălniceanu 12–14, 400084, Cluj‑Napoca, Cluj County, RO; e-mail: scocis@yahoo.com

Keywords: Sutor/Optatiana;Roman religion; terracotta figurines; toys; local pottery production.

Abstract: Following the rescue excavations conducted between 2021–2022 at Sutor/Optatiana, a considerable quantity of archaeological materials from the military vicus neighboring the fort was recovered. The present study aims to analyze the corpus of terracotta materials identified during these investigations, comprising a total of 27 figurines. These artefacts, discovered at various points within the civilian settlement, include representations of Genius Cucullatus and Risus, alongside several depictions of the goddess Venus, together with additional fragments that could not be identified. The items are stylistically analyzed and placed within a chronological framework where the discovery context allowed for it. Moreover, certain aspects of a potential local production of such artifacts are outlined, a plausible hypothesis given the intensive ceramic production documented as being part of the site.


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